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[2024/in press]

52 Iglesias, D., Sorrel, M. A., & Olmos, R. (manuscript accepted for publication). Cross-validation and predictive metrics in psychological research: Do not leave out the leave-one-out. Behavioral Research Methods

51 Hernández-Gutiérrez, D., Sorrel, M. A., Shanks, D., & Vadillo, M. (manuscript accepted for publication). The conscious side of ‘subliminal’ linguistic priming: a systematic review with meta-analysis and reliability analysis of visibility measures. Journal of Cognition.

50 Graña, D. F., Kreitchmann, R. S., Abad, F. J., & Sorrel, M. A. (manuscript accepted for publication). Comparing equally and unequally keyed items in forced choice blocks. Journal of Personality Assessment.

49 Aguado, V., Sorrel, M. A., Corral, S., & Martínez-Pampliega, A. (2024) Level of Expressed Emotion Scale: Spanish validation for the general adolescent population and development of a short version. Annals of Psychology, 40(3), 373-384.

48 La Touche, R. Paris-Alemany, A., Pardo-Montero, J., Miñambres-Martín, D., Mercado-Romero, F., De La Rosa-Díaz, I., Sorrel, M. A., & Grande-Alonso, M. (2024) The biobehavioural pain and movement questionnaire (BioPMovQ): Development and psychometric validation of a new questionnaire. Frontiers in Medicine.

47 Gil, R., Horcajo, J., Nájera, P., & Sorrel, M. A. (manuscript accepted for publication) Navigating ambiguity: Adapting and validating the personal need for structure scale in Spanish. Spanish Journal of Psychology.

46 Collado, S., Stats, H., & Sorrel, M. A. (2024) Understimulation resembles overstimulation: Effects on school children’s attentional performance, affect, and environmental preference. Journal of Environmental Psychology.

45 Martínez-Bacaicoa, J., Sorrel, M. A., & Gámez-Guadix, M. (2024) Development and Validation of Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence Perpetration and Victimization Scales among Adults. Assessment.

44 Ma, W., Sorrel, M. A., Ge, Y., & Zhai, X. (2024). A dual-purpose model for estimating ability and misconceptions. Journal of Educational Measurement, 61, 179-197.

43 Kreitchmann, R. S., Nájera, P., Sanz, S., & Sorrel, M. A. (2024). Enhancing content validity assessment via item response theory modeling. Psicothema, 36(2), 145-153.


42 La Touche R, Castillejos-Carrasco-Muñoz R, Tapia-Toca MC, Pardo-Montero J, Lerma-Lara S, de la Rosa-Díaz I, Sorrel, M. A., & Paris-Alemany A. (2023). Development and validation of the dizziness fear-avoidance behaviours and beliefs inventory for patients with vestibular disorders. PeerJ, 11:e15940,

41 Sorrel, M. A., Escudero, S., Nájera, P., Kreitchmann, R. S., & Vázquez-Lira, R. (2023). Exploring approaches for estimating parameters in cognitive diagnosis models with small sample sizes. Psych, 5(2), 336-349.

40 Nájera, P., Abad, F. J., & Sorrel, M. A. (2023). Is EFA always to be preferred? A systematic comparison of factor analytic techniques throughout the confirmatory-exploratory continuum. Psychological Methods.

39 Nájera, P., Abad, F.J., Chiu, C-Y., & Sorrel, M.A. (2023). A Comprehensive Cognitive Diagnostic Method for Classroom-Level Assessments. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.

38 Sanz, S., Kreitchmann, R. S., Nájera, P., Moreno, J. D., Martínez-Huertas, J. A., & Sorrel, M. A. (2023). FoCo: A Shiny app for formative assessment using cognitive diagnosis modeling. Educational Psychology, 29(2), 149-158.

37 Horcajo, J., Gil, Rafael, & Sorrel, M. A. (2023). Adaptation to Spanish of the Need for Affect Questionnaire Need for affect scale validation. Psicothema, 35(3) 279-289.

36 Collado, S., Fidalgo, C., Rodriguez-Rey, & Sorrel, M. A.. (2023), Development of a self-efficacy scale for writing and defending academic texts. Psicología Educativa. 29(1) 91-99.


35 Gámez-Guadix, M., Sorrel, M. A., & Martínez-Bacaicoa, J. Technology facilitated sexual violence perpetration and victimization among adolescents: A network analysis (2022). Sexuality Research and Social Policy.

34 Kreitchmann, R. S., de la Torre, J., Sorrel, M. A., Nájera, P., & Abad, F. J. (2022). Improving reliability estimation in cognitive diagnosis modeling. Behavior Research Methods, 1-15.

33 Gutierrez, F., Aluja, A., Ruiz-Rodríguez, J., Peri, J., Gárriz, M., García, L., Sorrel, M. A., Sureda, B., Vall, G., Ferrer, M., & Calvo, N. Borderline, Where Are You? A Psychometric and Symptomic Approach to the ICD-11 Personality Domains (2022). Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.

32 Kreitchmann, R., Sorrel, M. A., & Abad, F. J. (in press). On bank assembly and block selection in multidimensional forced-choice adaptive assessments. Educational and Psychological Measurement.

31 Franco-Martínez, A., Alvarado, J., & Sorrel, M. A. (in press). Range restriction affects factor analysis: Normality, estimation, fit, loadings, and reliability. Educational and Psychological Measurement.

30 Urieta, P. Sorrel, M. A., Aluja, A., Balada, F., Lacomba, E., & García, L. F. Exploring the relationship between personality, decision-making styles, and problematic smartphone use. Current Psychology.

29 Abad, F. J., Kreitchmann, R. S., Sorrel, M. A., Nájera, P., García-Garzón, E., Garrido, L. E., Jiménez, M. (2022). Building adaptive forced choice tests “on the fly” for personality measurement. Papeles del Psicólogo, 43, 29-35.


28 Shi, Q., Ma, W., Robitzsch, A., Sorrel, M. A., Man, K. (2021). Cognitive diagnosis analysis in the G-DINA model using R. Psych, 3(4), 812-835.

27 Kreitchmann, R. S., Abad, F. J., & Sorrel, M. A. (in press). A genetic algorithm for optimal assembly of pairwise forced-choice questionnaires. Behavior Research Methods.

26 Sorrel, M. A., Aluja, A., García, L. F., & Gutiérrez, F. (in press). Psychometric Properties of the Five-Factor Personality Inventory for ICD-11 (FFiCD) in Spanish Community Samples. Psychological Assessment, 34(3), 281-293.

25 Aluja, A., Sorrel, M. A., Garcia, L., García, O., & Gutiérrez, F. (in press). Factor convergence and predictive analysis of the Five Factor and Alternative Five Factor personality models with the Five-Factor Personality Inventory for ICD11 (FFiCD). Journal of Personality Disorders.

24 Sorrel, M. A., Nájera, P., & Abad, F. J. (2021). cdcatR: An R Package for Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing. Psych*, 3(4), 386-403.

23 Sorrel, M. A., García, L. F., Aluja, A., Rolland, J. P., Rossier, J., Roskam , I., & Abad, F. J. (2021). Cross-Cultural Measurement Invariance in the Personality Inventory for DSM-5. Psychiatry Research.

22 Collado, S., Rodríguez-Rey, R., & Sorrel, M. A. (2021). Does beauty matter? The effect of perceived attractiveness on children’s moral judgments of harmful actions against animals. Environment and Behavior. doi:0013965211014626

21 Nájera, P., Abad, F. J., & Sorrel, M. A. (2020). Determining the number of attributes in cognitive diagnosis modeling. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.614470


20 Nájera, P., Sorrel, M. A., de la Torre, J., & Abad, F. J. (in press). Balancing fit and parsimony to improve Q-matrix validation. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. doi:10.1111/bmsp.12228

19 Sorrel, M. A., Abad, F.J., & Nájera, P. (2020). Improving accuracy and usage by correctly selecting: The effects of model selection in cognitive diagnosis computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement. doi:10.1177/0146621620977682

18 Sorrel, M. A., Martínez-Huertas, J. A., & Arconada, M. (2020). It must have been burnout: Prevalence and related factors among Spanish PhD students. Spanish Journal of Psychology.

17 Sorrel, M. A., Barrada, J. R., de la Torre, J., & Abad, F. J. (2020). Adapting cognitive diagnosis computerized adaptive testing item selection rules to traditional item response theory. PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0227196

16 Nájera, P., Sorrel, M.A., & de la Torre, J. Abad, F. J. (2020). Improving robustness in Q-matrix validation using an iterative and dynamic procedure. Applied Psychological Measurement. doi:10.1177/0146621620909904


15 Collado, S., & Sorrel, M. A. (2019). Children’s environmental moral judgments: Variations according to type of victim and exposure to nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 62,42-48.

14 Nájera, P., Sorrel, M. A., & Abad, F. J. (2019). Reconsidering cutoff points in the general method of empirical Q-matrix validation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 79, 727-753.

13 Yigit, H., Sorrel, M. A., & de la Torre, J. (2019). Computerized adaptive testing for cognitively based multiple-choice data. Applied Psychological Measurement, 43, 388-401.


12 Abad, F. J., Sorrel, M. A., García, L.F., & Aluja, A. (2018). Modeling general, specific, and method variance in personality measures: Results for ZKA-PQ and NEO-PI-R. Assessment, 25, 959-977.


11 Collado, S., Evans, G., & Sorrel, M. A. (2017). The role of parents and best friends in children’s pro-environmentalism: differences according to age and gender. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 54, 27-37.

10 Sorrel, M. A., de la Torre, J., Abad, F. J., & Olea, J. (2017). Two-step likelihood ratio test for item-level model comparison in cognitive diagnosis models. Methodology, 13, 39-47.

9 Sorrel, M. A., Abad, F. J., Olea, J., de la Torre, J., & Barrada, J. R. (2017). Inferential item fit evaluation in cognitive diagnosis modeling. Applied Psychological Measurement, 41, 614-631.


8 Collado, S., Staats, H., & Sorrel, M. A. (2016). A relational model of perceived restorativeness: Intertwined effects of obligations, familiarity, security and parental supervision. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 24-32.

7 Cabello, R., Sorrel, M. A., Fernández-Pinto, I., Extremera, N., & Fernández-Berrocal, P. (2016). Age and gender differences in ability emotional intelligence in adults: A cross-sectional study. Developmental Psychology, 52, 1486-1492.

6 Sorrel, M. A., Olea, J., Abad, F. J., de la Torre, J., Aguado, D., & Lievens, F. (2016). Validity and reliability of situational judgement test scores: A new approach based on cognitive diagnosis models. Organizational Research Methods, 19, 506-532.

5 Collado, S., Staats, H., & Sorrel, M. A. (2016). Helping out on the land: Effects of children’s role in agriculture on reported psychological restoration. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 45, 201-209.


4 Abad, F. J., Sorrel, M. A., Román, F. J., & Colom, R. (2015). The relationships between WAIS-IV factor index scores and educational level: A bifactor model approach. Psychological Assessment, 28, 987-1000.

3 Collado, S., Evans, G. W., Corraliza, J. A., & Sorrel, M. A. (2015). The role played by age on children’s pro-ecological behaviors: An exploratory analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 44, 85-94.

2 Lievens, F., Corstjens, J., Sorrel, M. A., Abad, F. J., Olea, J., & Ponsoda, V. (2015). The cross‐cultural transportability of situational judgment tests: How does a US‐based integrity situational judgment test fare in España?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 23, 361-372.

1 Collado, S., Corraliza, J. A., Sorrel, M. A., & W Evans, G. (2015). Spanish version of the Children’s Ecological Behavior (CEB) scale. Psicothema, 26, 82-87.

[Book Chapters]

de la Torre, J., & Sorrel, M. A. (2023). Cognitive Diagnosis Models. In F. Ashby, H. Colonius, & E. Dzhafarov (Eds.), New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 385-420). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Advances in Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling (2018, April). You can find my dissertation here It was co-advised by Francisco J. Abad and Julio Olea.